China White – Nasomatto
"a metallic floral, the oxidation of woods and resins, smooth porcelain riddled with cracks but cracks incorporated, glazed and translucently hardened" "pure control, man-made intrusions on nature´s chaos and the ecstasy of drawing out the essence of things" "China White is a bone white floral, a fixture of ashes, burned to create an austere fragrance that is unbreakable while allowing vulnerability" Preemptive Ramblings: Discussing the experiences that served as my initiation into the world of fragrances and an overall turn in approaching culture not from the fixed standpoint of reason and theory, but from sensory experiences and a bodily grounding in contemplating culture, China White isn´t just my first niche scent purchased, but the one encounter with a fragrance that showed me, that there is an art to it. Not in the way that other scents were purely functional and thus inferior, but in showcasing a singular execution and one...